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Looking for the King...

Ce qu'il faut évoquer :

  • que ce n'est pas seulement dans les contes (les rois, reines, châteaux ont existé il y a très longtemps)

  • il en reste des traces de nos jours (les châteaux, peintures = tableaux de maîtres, tapisseries, écrits)

  • chez nous il n'y a plus de rois mais dans d'autres pays oui  (Angleterre, Belgique, Espagne, Hollande, Maroc...)

oral language

What is a king?

Grouping corner. Whole class. Let the children express themselves.

Bring out the initial representations of the students

  • What is a king?

In their answers, the notions of a leader, someone who decides, who wears a crown will appear.

  • What is it used for ?

Appear the notions of protection of the kingdom, of the one who commands the knights, of combat and war...

  • How do we recognize it?

Are mentioned: the castle, the crown, the horse,  the knights, the flag (blazon), the sword, the cape...

  • Are a king and a prince the same?

"he has a smaller crown, he is the king's son, he marries the girls, he has no throne..."

  • When does the Prince become King?

"when he married a princess, when the dad dies, when he is an adult..."


Returning to the notion of crown

What materials is it made of? How is it decorated? Is it heavy or light?

Display at the corner grouping representations of very different crowns​

- various crowns gleaned from the internet

- the coronation of Philip VI of Valois and others 

- the crown of the galette des rois

point out the shape: fleur-de-lys, emblem of the kings of France

point out this emblem on the other images as well as the colors (blue and purple which are the royal colors)

- Portrait of Louis XIV by H. Rigaud

we find the fleur-de-lys and the color

the king has objects placed next to him, name them

  • the hand of justice, the scepter, the rod of command

  • the royal sword

  • the crown (he does not wear it on his head)

  • the coat

The attributes of royalty(les  "regalia")

They are transmitted to the new king at his coronation.


Nowadays, there is no longer a king in France but a President of the Republic.

On the other hand England, Sweden, Spain, Morocco,... always have a king (or a queen)

Examples of student responses 

(to put in the culture book)

Activity :

Draw the king with his attributes on A4 white sheet and graphic markers

The King in his castle...

Grouping corner. Whole class. Let the children express themselves.

Bring out the initial representations of the students

  • What is a castle?

"chapiteau (confusion of vocabulary), a house, where the king and queen live..."

  • What is a castle like?

"big, in brick (brick/stone confusion), door, window, bridge..."

it is often the fortified castle that is mentioned by the pupils.

ignorance of the vocabulary relating to the castle.

Present representations of different castles

Wooden fortress, palace, fortified castle, mansion, the ruins of a castle

  • notice similarities and differences -> use precise un vocabulary

(walls, battlements, loopholes, tours, dungeon, often surrounded by water, drawbridge...)

  • Specify the chosen location (at height to monitor enemies and presence of water essential to life)

  • classify the different types of castle in chronological order (first the wood then the stone castles, the castles of the Loire, and finally the ruin)

  • evoke the reasons for the evolution fortified castles in palais 

the three functions of the castle: to live - to protect - to show its power

Reading of age-appropriate books

If possible, visit a castle


Daily life at the castle...

  • What was the king doing in his castle?

->" parties"

-> "he worked because he was the head of the country"

  • Who were the other characters around him?

des conseillers, des courtisans, des paysans, des serviteurs, des marchands, des troubadours,  des chevaliers, his family

Use of images to discover scenes from the lives of kings

- Henry IV at the Battle of Arques

- the game of chess

- the construction of the fortified castle

- work in the fields around the castle

- banquets

A banquet at the castle:

Describe an image - Discover a scene from the daily life of lords in the Middle Ages on a 15th century illumination

  • Is this image a photo?

No...It's a drawing:an illumination, a drawing on parchment, made with pen or fine brush 

a parchmentis a finely tanned hide, once used to write

  • What do we see in this image?

characters in costumes of yesteryear, in a room of the castle,

taking a meal:a banquet, a feast

  • Are all the characters at the table?

No... They are bringing the dishes. We also see at the top right a platform with musicians who have a kind of trumpet.

Those who eat are seated at two separate tables.

  • Who are the characters at  table  ?

At the central table, one wears a crown, perhaps a king, the chatelaine....

At the other table, no doubt guests, lords... only men

  • What can be in the dishes we serve?

Mainly meats (peacock, swan, chicken, pheasant...) only the lords could eat like this.

We don't see any plates, just a few knives and a few glasses.

Often, we ate with our fingers and put the meat on bread.

  • ​How is the room decorated?

There are white tablecloths on the tables, a tapestry hanging from the rostrum, fabrics overhanging the chatelaine's table, a piece of furniture on the left with crockery, tiles on the floor...

Nowadays, we still talk about a banquet when we celebrate a wedding.

Themed activities...


Reconstruct the castle from separate elements

Free drawing:

A4 white sheet and graphic markers

Math game with dice:  The dungeons of the castle

Discovering Numbers - Millemaths GS Nathan - Unit 4

  • Count and compare collections

  • Solve small additive and subtractive problems

Letters workshop:

using the removable letters, copy the proposed sentence in capitals or in script according to the desired level of difficulty.

To approach the concept of word:

it is requested  to do well  the spaces between the words

Cooperate to build a castle in volume :

1/2 A4 sheet per student and 5 A4 sheets for the group

gray medium (pencil, crayon, felt-tip pen) and a black felt-tip pen

scissors - tape

  • Cover the sheets of paper with the gray pencil (learn to tilt the pencil and hold it at the end to sweep the surface with a quick gesture)

  • Make a grid with the black marker on the gray pencil

  • Cut out the slots

  • fold the bottom for stability and assemble to make a castle

Phonologie :              Le roi du nougat

Inviter les élèves à repérer la dernière syllabe et à la reproduire

lien vers le texte en PDF


for reading and writing activities

Activities of lecture...

Develop reading strategies:

Recognition of letters, words from the class repertoire, phonographic associations of letters, syllables, decoding

School and cinema....

Princes and Princesses...a film by Michel OCELOT

About the movie:

Small tales sometimes inspired by old tales, transformed and arranged.

Cut shadow theater

The techniques used are simple and do not require a computer.


Jeu de coopération

Adapter le jeu à la situation : chevaux et chevaliers

Réaliser un tournoi - rapidité sur un parcours à obstacles

Histoires à raconter....


Faire vivre l'enfant dans l'univers merveilleux du conte.

Imprégnation - Chronologie des événements - Classer les personnages - Introduction du personnage magique (fée + baguette)


  • Lecture expressive du conte

Résumé oral des élèves (respect de la chronologie)

  • Travail sur les personnages

Les énumérer - Faire remarquer la présence d'un personnage fantastique : la fée et sa baguette magique

Classer les personnages : le héros, l'héroïne, les méchants, les gentils (ceux qui aident l'héroïne à réaliser son rêve)

  • Questions orales de compréhension :

Quelle est la situation de cendrillon ?

Quel est son désir ?

Qui l'empêche ? Qui l'aide ?

Que devient-elle ? Que deviennent les autres ?

Ateliers :

Images séquentielles (remise en ordre chronologique des images)

Réalisation de chapeaux de fée

Observations : Conte souvent connu des élèves -> anticipation - Les personnages sont bien cernés, toutefois le film de Walt Disney influence les élèves en donnant une importance démesurée aux animaux par rapport au conte.

La Princesse et le petit pois

Faire vivre l'enfant dans l'univers merveilleux du conte. Imprégnation - Chronologie des événements -

Renforcer la notion de héros, de gentils, de méchants... et d'élément déclencheur : le petit pois.


  • Lecture expressive du conte

Résumé oral des élèves (respect de la chronologie) (ce qu'ils retiennent de l'histoire)

  • Notion du temps passé

les rois, les reines = autrefois, il y a très longtemps

  • les personnages :

Notion de héros et rôle des différents personnages et objets (le petit pois)

La Belle au bois dormant

Faire vivre l'enfant dans l'univers merveilleux du conte. Imprégnation - Chronologie des faits -

Travail sur les personnages - Mise en évidence d'un personnage méchant et imaginaire : le dragon.

Classement des personnages


  • Lecture expressive du conte de Charles Perrault

Résumé oral des élèves (respect de la chronologie) (ce qu'ils retiennent de l'histoire)

  • Travail sur les personnages

- les énumérer : le héros, les adjuvants, les opposants

- mettre en évidence l'animal imaginaire : le dragon

  • Questions orales de compréhension

Quelle est la situation de départ d'Aurore ? 

Quelle est la malédiction ?

Qui va l'aider à s'en sortir ?

Quels sont les obstacles à franchir ?

Comment cela finit-il ?

  • Activités

Dessiner le dragon (pour affichage référent)

Classement des images des personnages : trouver un critère pour le classement

                    (d'un côté les gentils, de l'autre les méchants)

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