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Breeding in class: Snails...

Prolonged observation of an animal

Objectives general:

- Recognize the manifestations of animal life and relate them to major functions : growth, nutrition, reproduction, locomotion.

- Concept of life – respect for life

- Fix your attention, observe

- Mastery of the language : - speaking and listening to others

- lexical and syntactic enrichment

- observe, describe, wonder, verbalize what I understand and translate it into a drawing

- dictation to the adult.

Activity  trigger:

One day, after the rain, the children discover snails in the school garden.

We bring them back to class. We watch them. We draw them.

List of activities carried out :

            _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   Initial representation (what I saw)


File 1  Observation and representation


Sheet 2  Installation of snails in a snail bed

Sheet 3  Nutrition


Sheet 4  Locomotion


Sheet 5  Reproduction


Sheet 6  Living environment and protected species


Sheet 7  Cross-curricular activities: Literature, Documentation, Poetry, Singing, Physical Education, Graphic Design, Reading/Writing, Maths, Plastic Arts, etc.

Sheet 8  Assessment

File 1
Observation and representation

Specific objectives :

- speaking and listening to others (observing, verbalizing, describing)

- lexical and syntactic enrichment

- represent (initiation to the scientific diagram and use of writing)



Whole class – gathering area – then workshop


Hardware :

Small plastic trays (1 snail in each tray)

Equipment for the workshop :

Pencils – colored pencils

A4 sheet

Provide sticky labels for children who are less skilled in writing.


Procedure :

1)Oral reminder of the previous session :school yard snails

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_    Poster 1

2)Distribution of trays

Allow children to express themselves freely.

« On fait le point » : reformulate – check and correct mastery of language structures

Provide vocabulary if needed.


Specific vocabulary :

shell - spiral - foot (large) - head - tentacles (ocular and tactile) - slime...

ramp - is rolled up in its shell

blows bubbles – retracts its tentacles


Workshop :

Representation of the snail in a more scientific way

On the blackboard, a few volunteers then criticize the representations - Reinvest the acquired vocabulary

Make arrows indicating : shell, large foot, tentacles and other elements discovered by children

Individual pencil drawing on 1/2 A4 sheet

File 2
Installation of snails in a snail box

Specific objectives :

- know how to decode a technical sheet - take clues, make assumptions, discuss, argue

- make a list (dictated to the teacher)

- search the chronology of actions



Whole class – gathering area then workshop for the 2nd part


Hardware :

Large tray containing the snails (temporary snail box)

Snail box manufacturing sheet on the site " maternailes "

Poster to write the list


Procedure :


The snails have now been in the classroom for a few days, in a large tray covered with transparent plastic with small holes in them. (without water or food)


What is needed to make snails feel good ?


Listen to student suggestions

          ---> salade , earth,……………a house !


Let's make a snail box


Present the production sheet(poster format)


Reading of file :

Take clues, make assumptions, discuss, argue

Name the recognized elements

After each hypothesis selected by the class, the teacher reads to confirm or invalidate


Lister the objects and natural elements we need:

 Some can be picked up in the school garden (leaves, branches, earth, etc.)

 Others will be brought by the teacher (vivarium, moss, etc.)


The children are responsible for bringing back the natural elements for the next session (date fixed on the class calendar).

CP snail trap
Sheet 2 continued



At the next session, the elements brought by the children and the teacher are installed on the table in the grouping corner and the production sheet is hung up, clearly visible to all.


Check list(reinvest the acquired vocabulary)


Search the timeline of actions

Take clues, make assumptions, discuss, argue

After discussion and chronology selected by the class, the teacher has the various actions carried out.


The work finished, free comments from the children.

Repeat if necessary.


Workshop :

Represent the snail

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Poster 2

File 3

Specific objectives :

- formulate hypotheses, verify
- make a list (dictated to the teacher)
- reflect, ask questions and seek answers
- know how to observe details about the animal and interpret them


Whole class – grouping corner 

Hardware :
Poster for dictation from the list to the teacher
Various foods (or not) from the list made by the children
Various models of graters - A sprayer

Procedure :
We have recently installed our snails in a snail box.

How do we deal with class snails ? 
What do they need ?


Allow children to express themselves freely.

Eat -> What do snails eat ?
                     List to experiment(the teacher writes and makes a small drawing)

Drink -> l'eau
          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   Rain 
          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   Using a sprayer to imitate rain

Others -> t° 13°/18° - half sun

It will be necessary to feed every day and water with a sprayer (they will believe that it is raining, they will go out)


The snail eats


Experimentation of the different proposals of the children

Indicate on the list after experimentation
Si oui          _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_                     _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ou   non      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_                 _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5cf58d_cargot the ate


What children should remember at the end of the experiment :
The snails in the class are vegetarian : herbivores and fructivores.
          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        (mais il en existe qui sont carnivores/omnivores )

Sheet 3 continued

What is he eating  with?

Let's look at the carrot that the snails started to eat : it has holes with regular edges...

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         Il a une bouche_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_? Teeth ? He bites ? He chews ? It gnaws ? It sucks ?....


The snail has an instrument that allows it to cut and not tear off plant fragments.



Place the snail with a lettuce leaf on a glass plate and watch through the light as it eats.


Use of documentary books

He has a rough tongue : the radula


How does he eat ?

He grates.


Experimenting with the grater principlewith different models of household graters brought to class and easy-to-grate vegetables or fruit.


How does he find his food ?

Does a snail placed near a lettuce leaf move towards it ?

If so, how does he recognize it ?


Assumptions :he sees her, he feels her, by chance


Food recognition experiment

To find out if he sees or smells, the food (cabbage or melon or salad or apple) is placed in a tightly closed transparent plastic bag, then in an opaque but open bag, then without anything.

Time the time taken to reach the food.

Let the children draw conclusions.

Does he see ?

During the free observations, the children spontaneously approach their finger to the tentacles of the snail. You can point out to them that you have to approach it very close and even touch the tentacles for them to retract.

We can think that the snail sees badly.

Does it perceive odors ?

The approach of a tampon soaked in eau de cologne, vinegar… brings the animal back into its shell.

Observe how far to approach the buffer and make comparisons.


Does he drink ?


Literature search

Its skin is so thin that it only needs to be soaked in water.

But when it's hot, the water also leaves through the skin. That's why he prefers the rain.


He throws away his waste. In what form ?


The escargotière contains excrement, very visible on the glass walls.

The snail therefore rejects waste in the form of greenish twists.

When the snail eats carrots, the twist is orange.


          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Poster 3 (the snail eats/does not eat)

Sheet 4

Specific objectives :

- Reflect, question and seek answers

- Concept of space (movements)

- Highlight the role of mucus in the movement of the snail



Whole class – grouping corner


Hardware :

Different media (glass, blotter, glossy paper, black drawing paper, fine sand, etc.)

Salad or apple, melon, cabbage, carrot…


How does the snail move ?

What type of locomotion ? With what ? How fast ? Why ?


Experience :

A snail race on different media :

glass, blotter, glossy paper, black drawing paper, fine sand, … a food to reach

Vocabulary : crawling, sliding, dragging…It moves vertically and even upside down.


It's time to clarify a little the anatomy of the snail. He moves on his foot formed by very powerful muscles which contract.


The snail leaves a trace -> role of mucus (drag)


What children should remember at the end of the experiment :

The snail crawls on a broad, fleshy foot (it is a gastropod).


Does he sleep? When is it still ? How is he when he's still ?

light/dark? - hot/cold? 

Hibernation below 15° (operculate snails found in winter)

How does the snail fit its whole body into its shell ?

This is a consequence of the very great power of contraction of the foot.


What children should remember at the end of the experiment :

Its body has no bones, it is a mollusk.

File 5
The reproduction

Specific objectives :

- reflect, ask questions and seek answers

- literature search

- concept of time (chronology – cycle : the animal is born, grows, reproduces and dies)


The snail has babies

Regular snail observation :

One morning, the children discover small, white, shiny balls in the earth.

Assumptions :………………..eggs ?

Continue the observation to check if any young come out.


Documentation and observation :

How to recognize male from female ?

No difference, the snail is hermaphrodite.

Do the young come out of the womb or are they born from an egg laid ?

Where does nid  do? And how ?

By making a hole in the loose and slightly humid soil then it fills it up after laying eggs.

Where does it lay eggs ? How ?

Couve-t-il ? How long ?

Does it treat small ?

When do the hatchlings hatch ? How are they ?

13 days after laying, the eggs are hatched and the young circulate in the nest.

20 days after laying, the young come out of the nest.

Are the cubs identical to their parents ?

The young grow, get bigger, they change their appearance during growth. How ?

The snail keeps the same shell all its life but it enlarges it little by little by depositing a kind of slime, all around the opening, which hardens as it dries.

To reproduce, the snail must of course be an adult. But how do you recognize an adult snail ?

CP eggs
Sheet 5 continued

Workshop :


Represent the eggs in the escargotière.

Write a sentence / caption.


          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_                     _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Poster 4

Sheet 6
Living environment and protected species

Specific objectives :

- reflect, ask questions and seek answers

- identify some characteristics of the environments

- search for the snail's preferences (humidity, temperature, light)


Analysis of the living environment in the natural state

For later comparison with other living environments specific to other animals


Activity :

field trip(school garden, courtyard, park, street, sports ground, wooded area, gardens, fields, proximity to water, etc.) state clearly the place where we find snails.

Take photos.

Back to class :

Where did we find snails ? Where didn't we find any ?

Notice the characteristics of the environment

Comparison of shell color and shape

Classification by shape/size/color of the snails brought back or photographed.



The different kinds of snails

1) The Squirrel

When he is young, he is protected, so we cannot pick him up.

2) Burgundy snail

When he is young, he is protected.

When its shell measures more than 3 cm it is an adult.

3) Gros-Gris

4) The wood snail, the garden snail, the marsh snail...


He protects himself

It makes lots of bubbles, it's not very scary but it's surprising!

Its color blends into nature,

He goes back into his shell.


A food chain

What is he eating ? By whom is it eaten ?







(variantes : field mouse – bird – man)



Sheet 6 continued



After the Christmas holidays, we notice that the snails no longer move and are capped.

(If not, place the snails in the refrigerator to simulate the winter temperature)


A discussion begins :Are the snails dead ? Are they asleep ?


Reminder of observations of everyday life : snails come out after the rain, after the storm, but never when it is cold.


Winter hibernation

Below 15° operculate snails under a pile of leaves and under stones


Can we wake them up ?

Note the children's suggestions for experimentation.  (noise or not, light, heat, water, etc.)


Under what conditions do snails prefer to live?


  • Do snails seek damp places ?


Experiment :

Assemble 2 plastic bottles by the neck. On one side place a damp sponge, on the other a moisture-absorbing sachet.

Introduce the snails and observe.


Snails seek moist places.


  • Do snails look for dark places ?


Experiment :

Same device with one side transparent and the other covered with black paper.

Introduce the snails and observe.

How many snails stay in the light ? How many in the dark ?



  • Do snails like heat or cold ?


Experiment :

In the device place ice cubes on one side and on the other warm up using a lamp or the class heater.

Introduce the snails and observe.

Where do snails  gather? (Mild temperature zone) - Possibility to measure the temperature of the zone concerned


Sheet 7
Transversal activities

Literature and documentation: 

  • Gogo the snail

  • Margot the snail, Antoon Krings






  • little snail

  • The caterpillar and the snail



  • Body expression 

  • The caterpillar and the snail




  • Spirals




  • Sorting – shape/size/color classification

  • Double-entry table

  • Numeration

  • Coloring page: Rhythm with 3 colors




visual arts

  • Modeling

  • Twisting plastic coated wires

  • Painting Spirals : dispersion, juxtaposition, superposition

Readind, writing

little snail

carries on his back

his house

as soon as it rains

he feels happy

and pops his head

I met three snails


I met three snails

who were leaving with a satchel on their backs.

And in the meadow, three snails

who said their lesson by heart.

Then in a field four lizards

who were writing a long essay

Where can their school be located?

in the middle of wild oats?

And is the master this crow

that I see drawing up there

Beautiful letters on the board?

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Maurice Lent

Snail song


At the funeral of a dead leaf

Two snails are leaving...

They have the black shell,

Crepe around the horns.

They go away in the dark

A beautiful autumn evening.

Alas! When they arrive

It's already spring.

The leaves that were dead

are all resurrected,

And the two snails

Are very disappointed.

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   Jacques Prévert

New !

the snail


Like an old freighter

Tracing its wake,

snail friend

Take a long trip.

Then when it's hot,

When everything dries up,

fellow snail,

Waiting for the cool,

Go back to his studio.

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Pierre Gamarra

Sheet 8
CP assessment
The manifestations of animal life
  • He is a vegetarian (herbivore and fructivore)
propose: carnivorous / herbivorous / vegetarian / insectivorous
  • He moves by crawling
propose: walking / crawling / swimming
  • Vocabulary 
place the words in the right place (shell/body/small hole/tentacles/mouth/rapid tongue) possibility of adding an intruder (neck or paw)
Complete file
last update: October 13, 2019
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