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Period 3 - Plume's journey

Feather's Journey

   Hans de Beer    

A tender story...

A small polar bear is drifted on an iceberg.

He arrives in Africa.  There, he learns that there are colors other than white. He meets other animals and discovers other landscapes.  It is on the back of a whale that he returns to the far north.

Discovery of the album


Presentation of the new album (hide the 4th cover)

Observation of the front cover, description, characters, location



Reading the title

  • Who is Feather?

  • What is a trip? How do we travel? (vocab; means of transport)


The title :

Copy the title on the board. How many words?

Segmentation of oral in written: the pupils come to say the title by pointing out each word.


Organization of the front cover:

Title - Author/illustrator - editor - illustration (we will come back to this later)


Documentary on the North Pole   --> Trace written in the knowledge binder

Documentary on the polar bear --> Written trace in the knowledge binder


First part


Session 1

Reading pages 1, 2 and 3 (until Plume falls asleep very quickly)

The students express themselves on the images, look for clues, then masterful reading.


Session 2

Enlarged photocopy of pages

page by page: children's attempts to reconstruct the story

summary of the first part (= key phrase )

writing on the blackboard, students help encoding .


key sentence n°1: Plume and her dad live in the North Pole.


Session 3 Proofreading games

work on key sentence 1, copied on a strip of paper


  • How many words are there in this sentence?

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Separate the words using scissors, this gives a set of movable labels

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  (emphasize place and function of point)


  • Oral to written segmentation

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  repeat the sentence by pointing the words (notion of word not to be confused with syllable)


  • Collective reordering of word tags to reconstitute the sentence then individual sheet in independent workshop


  • Hide a word from the sentence, find it


  • Replace certain words with others that belong to the class repertoire

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (mom, first name, Tangerine....)


Disruptive event


Enlarged page 4


  • Image playback

         Recherche d'indices, faire a return to page 3


  • Reading the text (end of page 3 and page 4)


  • Imagine the following:What will happen now?


        Revenir sur l'illustration de la couverture, elle est identique._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Have the title of the album repeated.

Plumed_Bad's journey now begins.



Arrival in Africa


Rereading the beginning of the story

Pages 5,7,8 and 9 enlarged


  • Discovery of page 5

highlight that the ice has melted and the sea is raging, it is a storm.

= feeling of fear for Plume

reading the text


  • Discovery of page 7

the sea is calm, he is coming island, land, a country???

reading the text (point out that this time the text is not below but on a side page)

If we have a planisphere in the class, we can show the movement of Plume.


  • Discovery of page 8

What is this animal ? What is he doing ? In which country can you see hippos?

reading of the text:  What is "the funny yellow snow?"


  • Discovery of page 9

Observing the characters is an encounter...they talk to each other.

reading the text


Key phrases 2:  Plume arrives in Africa. Feather meets Hippo.

In search of Dago


Rereading the beginning of the story - Discovery of pages 10 and 15

Remember: Plume wants to go home.


  • Pages 10 and 11               Hippo goes to help Plume get home.

Image playback

Reading of the text by the teacher


  • Pages 12 et 13           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   Plume discovers the jungle.

Meeting with the chameleon (particularity of this animal)

Chameleon documentary


  • Pages 14 et 15           _cc781905 Plume arrives at the mountain.

Plume helps Hippo to climb.

They are looking for Dago, the mountain eagle.

Documentary about eagles


Oral comprehension games

  • True/false game (have false propositions justified)

  • Game of "who says what" (repeat the dialogues)

reconst caméléon GS.jpeg

The meeting with Dago


Call from page 15: Hippo and Plume are resting. They go to see Dago in the mountains.

Discovery of pages 16 and 17


  • page 16

They have arrived, at the very top.

Dago arrive .......         _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_    - > attitude of Hippo: he smiles, he is confident.

                                             -> attitude of Plume: he is hiding behind a rock, he is afraid.

Reading the text


  • page 17- dramatization

Read:  "Hippo tells Dago about Plume's adventure."


What is Hippo saying?

retrace Plume's adventure chronologically then act out the scene


Who could be Orc?

Orc takes Plume


Reminder of the last session.

Discovery of pages 18 and 19


The feelings of the characters

  • How does Hippo feel at this moment? (page 19)

         Et Plume ?


  • Why doesn't Hippo leave with Plume?



Discovery reading

  • globally recognized words (with the help of referents)

  • taking cues from other words

  • {and}

  • {nt} at the end of the verb meets

  • phrase and line concept

  • capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and in nouns

  • the title

Extension :

Leprechaun text:  - circle the title in gray

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        - colorier les points en rouge (but not those of the i)

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        - colorier les majuscules en vert

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        - entourer chaque phrase d' a different color

Match the keyphrase to the correct image

Identify character names

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