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Clara's dress

Clara's dress

Cécile Lavocat - Magnard youth

Pedagogical guide and photocopiable file: 4 seasons GS (Magnard)


Day 1 - 20' collective


1. Presentation of the album

cover - title - author - illustrator - publisher - 4th cover

let children express themselves freely and form hypotheses

2. Discovery of the album

Flip through the album - let the children talk about the pictures 

reading of the album + oral comprehension questions

Day 2 - 20' collective.......First part (from the beginning -> page 10)


1. Reading of the first part + oral comprehension questions


Who has multiple Robes?response to request:It is.....

How many dresses does Clara have?=> yellow - brown (brown) - rousse  (orange) - white with spots

What is her favorite? => white with black spots

What happened this morning? What went missing? response to request:It is.....

What thinks Clara about this disappearance?

First part...flowchart

Clara's dress

Part 1

Outing to the farm

Discovery of the text 1(4 seasons GS)

in 1/2 class: (text enlarged or copied on large format Canson with illustrations)

where does the text come from? Who wrote this ? what is he talking about ?

Illustrations help you locate the text quickly.

Search for words from the repertoire, letters, syllables,... according to each person's possibilities.

Help with decoding simple words

=> the words thus read are identified (circled or colored) on the text

one color for globally recognized words, one for identified letters of the alphabet, another for decoded syllables and words.

Part two...flowchart

Clara's dress

Part 2

Discovery of text 2 (4 seasons GS)

in 1/2 class: (enlarged text)

where does the text come from? Who wrote this ? what is he talking about ?=> concept of comics

you can discover one thumbnail at a time (hide the other two)

  • first thumbnail:

describe the image - the place - imagine what is happening - what is being said - point out the expression of the "face" of the cow

identify the words of the repertoire (dress - cow - pig - etc.. according to the referents of the class)

find the meaning of the dialogue - Note the dialogues proposed by the pupils.

  • second thumbnail:

same approach​

  • third and last thumbnail:

same approach - we quickly notice that the scarecrow is wearing ​Clara's dress as well as the angry expression of the cow.

this vignette brings the outcome of the story...there is no thief, it's just the wind!

End by reading the title.

Play the dialogues imagined by the pupils during the discovery phase of the text.

la robe de clara et le cochon
la robe de clara et l'âne
la robe de clara et la chèvre
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