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Materials for class preparation

Correspondence letters in capitals / letters in cursive

Word referent: small - medium - large

Model to keep track of the analysis of a read text
to reproduce on a large poster

Summary table of communication activities

Directory of the "musical mother tongue"

  • finger games

  • hand games struck on repeated syllables

  • hand games two by two

  • hand games in a circle

  • finger and hand games

  • arm and hand games

  • lullabies

  • swings

  • rope games

  • ball games

  • braid games

  • saw games

  • the files - the processions

  • the tunnels

  • the bridges

  • chase games

  • songs for the occasion (Christmas, birthday, new year, carnival, King's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, circus, Shrove Tuesday, weather, Easter, seasons, back to school, holidays, Saint Nicolas, ...)

  • speak rhythmically

  • formulattes

  • phonological nursery rhymes

  • nursery rhymes for clapping

  • rhymes for walking

  • nursery rhymes to rhythm

  • counting rhymes

  • nursery rhymes for jumping

  • nursery rhymes for the elaboration of the body diagram

  • sung and danced games: by couples, passage of couples in the middle of a procession, frontal dances


  • recapitulation songs

  • deletion songs

  • mimed songs

  • chants with note names

  • 2 to 5 note vocals

  • chants in pentatonic

  • interval songs

  • songs to acquire the notions of: duration, timbre, intensity, height

  • simple rounds

  • round to squat

  • round to turn around

  • mimed round

  • round with one or more chosen ones in the middle

  • rounds with chase game

  • enumerative or summary rounds

  • choice of rounds

  • dialogue rounds

  • shrinking round

  • accelerating circles

  • two rounds

  • songs to live a rhythm cell

  • the first polyphonic approaches: vocal games

  • popular and folk songs

  • yesterday's songs

  • today's songs

  • songs from elsewhere

  • single barrels

  • creating nursery rhymes

Kindergarten module

Course FR

Oral language acquisition

Reading in kindergarten

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