winter theme
A new season
oral language
How does winter manifest itself? Why do we know it's winter?
Expected answers:
cold (clothing, heating)
snow (ice, frost, flakes - skiing, sledding, snowman)
bare trees
Christmas (often comes up in children's answers)
Documentation contribution
albums, documentary books,
films (see 1,2,3 Leon), and videos on the internet
landscape photography,
representations of artists (the magpie of Monet, the count or hunters in the snow of Bruegel...)
The tree in winter
The tree has lost all its leaves, sometimes the leaves have taken on a brown tint but have not fallen yet.
Some trees, softwoods and some evergreens (laurel, privet, holm oak, etc.), have remained green.
Winter outing:
Draw the silhouette of the leafless tree.
On a twig, look for where the leaves were attached.
Search the animals (not all have disappeared)
Life is slowed down but not absent. From the beginning of winter, buds can be observed.
Bring a twig with a bud back to class, put it in water and observe its development.
What happens to animals in winter?
After reading the book "A trois on a less cold" or "Good friends",
wondering about animals in winter in real life.
Sort, classify animals well known to children
Create the summary panel below by providing a precise vocabulary (hibernation is often known to children because it has already been covered in albums - migration no, it is an opportunity to read Zigomar's Africa by Philippe Corentin)
Game of questions and answers to reinvest the vocabulary:
Back to bird migration
(vary the answers - enrich the students' proposals - encourage the construction of sentences)
Tell me where do the birds go in the winter?
Where ?They fly to warm countries.
From where ?They start from the forests of our country. They leave from the trees.
Why ?They go to warm countries because winter is approaching.
When ?They leave our forests in the fall.
How ?They take flight. They fly away flapping their wings.
Other lines of work
feed the birds in winter
changes in the state of water
the thermometer
around the snowman (poetry-visual arts)
Poetry: Song for children in winter (Jacques Prévert)
learning poetry- say a poem from memory
listen to poetry
show curiosity about new words
explanation of children's unknown words
Making a mini-book
division of poetry into parts to illustrate
the snowman with his wooden pipe and his old hat
the snowman in front of the village
he enters the small house
he sits on the red stove
the hat and the pipe in the puddle
Peindre l'hiver...
Création de fonds (hiver)
Sheet to stick in the culture book
Proposition 1
Matériel : papier à dessin grand format blanc - papier crépon bleu - rouleaux
Déroulement :
Munir les élèves de rouleaux trempés dans l'eau et leur demander de mouiller la feuille de papier dessin puis recouvrir celle-ci de bandes de papier crépon bleu.
Laisser sécher
Inviter ensuite les élèves à venir retirer les bandes => des empreintes vont apparaître
Proposition 2
Matériel : papier à dessin grand format blanc - crayons aquarellables - rouleaux ou brosses
Déroulement :
Couvrir la feuille de papier dessin en la coloriant.
Commencer par le crayon bleu clair et pour donner un aspect neigeux passer du blanc par petites touches.
A l'aide d'un rouleau mouillé (ou d'une brosse), repasser sur le fond. Admirer les effets produits
Guess who does what (Gerda Muller)
No text... just traces left by the characters in the story, which allows children to be on the lookout for clues and to verbalize une histoire.
Album which highlights the role of the image which here becomes narrative.
Good friends (Father Castor - Flammarion)
Understand the notion of solidarity: sharing and concern for others
It's winter, it's cold, the gray rabbit has nothing to eat. As he finds two carrots under the snow and only one is enough for him, he carries one to the horse which perhaps has nothing to eat.....
After reading the story, oral comprehension questions:
What has changed in the life of the rabbit between the beginning and the end of the story?
What do you think of animal behavior?
Give examples of mutual aid in everyday life, at school....
What is a friend?
At three we are less cold (Elsa Devernois and Michel Gay)
“It is very, very cold outside. Kipic the hedgehog and Nutcracker the squirrel are both out of heating. They try to sleep snuggled up against each other to keep warm, but... impossible. Kipic's quills really hurt the Nutcracker too much!
Who will be able to help them? »